How can I search HOLLIS by call number?

Harvard’s libraries use upwards of 20 different call numbering systems, from Library of Congress to Old Widener to National Library of Medicine to Dewey Decimal. 

There are two options for exploring HOLLIS by call number, as explained on the HOLLIS User Guide:

Have another HOLLIS question? Our HOLLIS User Guide provides an overview of HOLLIS's features and functions.




Service Alert:
  • Ask a Librarian, including chat and email, will be suspended on Thursday, November 27 through Saturday, November 30, in observance of the holiday weekend. Queries received during this time will be addressed beginning Sunday and Monday.
  • Please consult Harvard Library Hours for information on which library buildings will be open during the holiday (most are closed through Saturday). .
  • If you're experiencing an ongoing technical issue when you attempt to access library materials with your HarvardKey during this time, please report it to Library Technology Services.



Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm



Sunday 12noon-7pm

Chat is intended for brief inquiries from the Harvard community.


Talk to a librarian for advice on defining your topic, developing your research strategy, and locating and using sources. Make an appointment now.

These services are intended primarily for Harvard University faculty, staff and students. If you are not affiliated with Harvard, please use these services only to request information about the Library and its collections.