How can I find movies in HOLLIS or through the library in general?
For streaming video, check out our guide to Streaming Video @ Harvard.
If we don't have the streaming version, we may have the DVD. For specific titles, you can usually search HOLLIS for the title and limit to Form/Genre: DVD/Videodiscs on the right side of the screen as needed.
There's no perfect way to just browse for a movie in HOLLIS, but here's a simple method that usually gets results.
- Go to HOLLIS (before entering a term into the search bar, choose the Library Catalog- not the Everything-- tab.)
- Search on words and phrases like "Queen Latifah" and DVD.
- You can also just search for "DVD." There will be tens of thousands of results.
- Use the side limiters to select Form/Genre: DVD/Videodiscs as needed.
- Experiment with other side limiters like language, subject, etc. to narrow the field.
On campus but don't have a DVD player? You can check them out at the Circulation Desk in Lamont Library.
Other ways to find movies on campus:
- Most Lamont DVDs are available for general browsing on Level A.
- The Film Studies Library has a collection of films in various formats for viewing (in the library).
- Some of the professional school libraries have recreational DVD collections, like Law.
- Many of the houses have their own movie collections.
Beyond Harvard: Many public libraries have streaming services for local residents. Check out the websites of libraries local to you in the Cambridge area or elsewhere.
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