Book Return
- You can usually return a Harvard Library book to any Harvard Library
- If it's an Interlibrary Loan you picked up at Harvard, you must return it to Harvard (not the library that owns the book).
- Widener, 24-7: guards on duty at Widener Library will accept returns at the Massachusetts Avenue entrance. Guards are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Mail: ("Media Mail" is the least expensive way.)
- Access Services has provided Packing Guidelines for books.
- You can send Harvard Library books to any of our facilities, but Widener is a good choice.
- Be sure to put "c/o: Access Services" on the second line so it will reach the appropriate department as smoothly as possible.
Widener Library
c/o Access Services
1 Harvard Yard
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138
- Most books can be renewed up to five times in HOLLIS. After five times, it's necessary to bring it in for review. You can usually check it out again in person. (This excludes BorrowDirect and Interlibrary Loan)
- For questions about returning books, or any issues related to your library account, check with Access Services:
Service Alert:
- Ask a Librarian services, including chat and email, will be suspended from December 21, 2024 through January 1, 2025. Queries received during this time will be answered as soon as possible following our return on January 2.
- If you're experiencing an ongoing technical issue when you attempt to access library materials with your HarvardKey during these times, please report it to Library Technology Services.
Monday-Thursday 9am-9pm
Friday-Saturday 9am-5pm
Sunday 12noon-7pm
Chat is intended for brief inquiries from the Harvard community.
Reach out to librarians and other reference specialists by email using our online form. We usually respond within 24 hours Monday through Friday.
Talk to a librarian for advice on defining your topic, developing your research strategy, and locating and using sources. Make an appointment now.
These services are intended primarily for Harvard University faculty, staff and students. If you are not affiliated with Harvard, please use these services only to request information about the Library and its collections.