Using the New Viewer (Mirador)

The Viewer offers a number of features to examine and explore every detail of digitized materials. Here's what you need to know.

Harvard Library is moving to version 3 of Mirador Viewer, the application that presents images and other digital objects to you over the web. The update is presently offered as a beta release, and here is the functionality it currently offers as well as what's coming up:

New feature highlights   Beta quirks
Multiple window views (single image, gallery, side-by-side, scroll)
Multiple workspace modes
Ability to save a workspace setting and export for later use
Only plays well with some objects
PDF download may not be available, or may appear blank, for some objects
No full text search (yet)
No citations available (yet)

Download and sharing options

The Viewer offers a number of options for saving what's in view as well as sharing its location with others for further exploration and study.

Download an image

  1. From the row of icons in the upper-right area of the Viewer window, select the one representing three vertical dots, Window Options.
  2. In the expanding menu that appears, select the first option, Download.
  3. In the window that appears next, select the preferred size of image available, and the download will begin.

Note: these options will vary between images based on when and how they were digitized

Download a PDF

  1. From the row of icons in the upper-right area of the Viewer window, select the one representing three vertical dots, Window Options.
  2. In the expanding menu that appears, select the second option, Download PDF.
  3. In the window that appears next, select the number or ranges of pages to include in the PDF. To download the entire set of pages, leave the Pages field blank and simply click the Download button, and the download will begin.

Share a link to the manifest for the object

  1. From the row of icons in the upper-right area of the Viewer window, select the one representing three vertical dots, Window Options.
  2. In the expanding menu that appears, select the third option, Share.
  3. In the window that appears next, the first section is labeled Share Link and contains a URL in the text field. Click the Copy button to save this URL to your clipboard, then paste it in a more permanent location of your choosing.

Embed this object on another site

  1. From the row of icons in the upper-right area of the Viewer window, select the one representing three vertical dots, Window Options.
  2. In the expanding menu that appears, select the third option, Share.
  3. In the window that appears next, the second section is labeled Embed and presents a set of size options for the window that will be embedded on another site. Your selection automatically updates the code seen in the text field directly below this row of size options. When you've made your selection, click the Copy button to save this code to your clipboard, then paste it into the site or page of your choosing.

Export the Viewer workspace

The workspace describes every aspect of your present viewing experience: the parameters of the image you're viewing (such as magnification level and position), what information panels you have open or closed, and more. This is represented as a lengthy block of JSON code that can be interpreted by any other instance of Mirador or other IIIF viewers that support the IIIF Presentation specification.

  1. From the column of icons in the upper-left area of the Viewer window, select the one representing three horizontal dots, Workspace Options.
  2. In the expanding menu that appears, select the first option, Export Workspace.
  3. In the window that appears next, you have the option of viewing the code by clicking View workspace configuration. Otherwise, click the Copy button to save this code to your clipboard, then paste it somewhere such as in the body of an email or Slack message where others can copy it and import into their instances of Mirador.

Changing the workspace around an object

Mirador can accommodate a number of contexts to display digitized objects, including objects composed of a series of images, like pages in a book or journal.

Enabling thumbnail navigation via the Index panel

  1. If not already active, toggle open the sidebar for the item by selecting the icon just to the left of the item's title, representing three horizontal lines, Toggle Sidebar.
  2. In the expanding panel that appears, select the third icon down, represented as a series of thin horizontal lines, Index. This opens the Table of Contents panel.
  3. From the row of icons near the top of this panel, select the third option, Thumbnail list. This will display the contents as a column of thumbnail images and their corresponding titles.

Enabling thumbnail navigation via Window views & thumbnails display

  1. From the row of icons in the upper-right area of the Viewer window, select the one representing two rectangles with a horizontal line running beneath them, Window views & thumbnail display.
  2. In the expanding panel that appears, you're presented with options for two different approaches to adjust the object's view:

    The View section lets you toggle between seeing one image at a time or a gallery of thumbnails representing the contents of the object.

    The Thumbnails section lets you control whether and where a row or column of thumbnails can appear along the boundaries of the canvas, either across the bottom or as a column to the right.

Maximizing the view space

When you have multiple objects loaded onto the canvas, you can quickly focus on one and reduce visual clutter by maximizing the window of one object. From the row of icons in the upper-right area of the Viewer window, select the one representing a square containing two arrows pointing in opposite directions, Maximize window. This will temporarily remove other objects from view as well as the workspace controls column along the left of the window.

Please note: if the Viewer is embedded within a webpage, this will only expand the window to the size allowed in that embedded context. To maximize the Viewer and fill the entire screen, instead go to the column of icons in the upper-left area of the Viewer window and select the one representing four arrowheads pointing away from each other at each corner of a square space, Full screen.

Viewing multiple objects

Mirador's support for loading multiple objects into view for side-by-side study is one of its greatest strengths, and you can do it in several ways:

Loading an image via IIIF manifest link with the Add Resource button

  1. From the column of icons in the upper-left area of the Viewer window, select the one representing a large plus sign, Add resource. A panel will expand into view representing the windows you already have open for viewing objects.
  2. Click the Add resource button located in the lower-right corner of the window.
  3. In the expanding panel that appears next, enter the link for the IIIF manifest representing the object you wish to add into view, then click the Add button. This will add a new entry to the list of windows in the panel area above. Click that new entry to bring it onto the canvas for view. By default it will place it alongside other windows already open in the canvas.

Loading an image via IIIF manifest link by clicking & dragging the IIIF icon

This option supports a scenario where you have more than one IIIF viewer open and loaded onto the browsers on your computer.

  1. From the row of icons in the upper-right area of the Viewer window, select the one represented as three vertical dots, Window Options.
  2. In the expanding menu that appears, select the third option, Share.
  3. In the window that appears next, the last section is labeled Alternate Viewer and presents a small IIIF logo image. This image contains a hyperlink to the IIIF manifest for the object. Click and hold the mouse button down to drag this hyperlink over to a region of the alternate viewer you have open in another tab or window. Release the mouse button to have the manifest load into the other viewer.

Importing a workspace

This option supports a scenario where you've been provided a block of JSON code representing the configuration of another user's Viewer instance.

  1. From the column of icons in the upper-left area of the Viewer window, select the one representing three horizontal dots, Workspace Options.
  2. In the expanding menu that appears, select the second option, Import Workspace.
  3. In the window that appears next, paste the block of workspace JSON code into the large text field, then click the Import button. The Mirador window will readjust to present the configuration and contents of the workspace described in the workspace JSON code.

Searching the full-text of an object (coming soon)

Service Alert:
  • Ask a Librarian, including chat and email, will be suspended Thursday July 4 through Sunday, July 7, 2024, in observance of the holiday weekend. Any questions received during this period will be answered beginning Monday, July 8.
  • If If you're experiencing an ongoing technical issue when you attempt to access library materials with your HarvardKey during these times, please report it to Library Technology Services.



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