What is the easiest way to find literary criticism for The Great Gatsby?

There are many ways to search for literary criticism. See Literary Research in Harvard Libraries for guidance.

The Literature Online database includes a reference section with overview material and author biographies that can help get you started.  You can also search HOLLIS, as well as the MLA Bibliography, Academic Search Premier, or JSTOR, adding the keyword "criticism" to the author or title.

Another option is to use Literary Index to find references to articles about Gatsby in Gale publisher's print literary criticism series.  You will see that most of the Gatsby references are published full text in a set of books called Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism which you will find in the Widener stack.  Using this series gives you many of the major critical pieces all in one place.  The Boston Public Library has this database online.  You can search it remotely once you have an e-card.

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