Does HOLLIS search inside Harvard Library databases?
It is a common assumption that if you search HOLLIS, you are searching everything the library has access to. But HOLLIS does not search inside our databases.
What's actually happening
"Catalog & Articles" searches the library catalog plus an "Articles" index. The "Articles" index is from a third-party vendor, who compiles citations from an extensive network of publishers. These citations only partially overlap with the contents of our databases.
Why it matters
How much this matters to you will depend on what you're searching for and on the field or discipline you’re working in. In many cases, HOLLIS is the most effective search option.
There are usually small but important differences between the citation as it appears in HOLLIS and a database's citation for the same item. Basic information such as title and author will be largely the same. The more additional detail you’re interested in, such as abstract, subject terms, or other key descriptors, the more differences you'll notice.
If HOLLIS's version of your citation is missing one of your search terms, it will not be in your results. (For exceptions to this rule, see Why am I getting HOLLIS results that don't include all of my search terms?)
Some databases do provide HOLLIS with a full export of their contents. You will still notice differences: the database will be structured differently and may offer advantages not available in HOLLIS, such as more precise or customizable search options and links to full text or datasets.
Have another HOLLIS question? Our HOLLIS User Guide provides an overview of HOLLIS's features and functions.
- Ask a Librarian, including chat and email, will be suspended on Thursday, November 27 through Saturday, November 30, in observance of the holiday weekend. Queries received during this time will be addressed beginning Sunday and Monday.
- Please consult Harvard Library Hours for information on which library buildings will be open during the holiday (most are closed through Saturday). .
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